UPDATE #95 (7/12/23): G-Fest Panel-Palooza! Here’s Where You Can Find Me at This Year’s Con…

Hi there, monster lovers!

July has rolled around once again, and that means one thing: it’s G-Fest time once again! At the time of this writing, I’m one sleep away from embarking on my drive to Chicago, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Once again, I’m thrilled to not only be attending G-Fest, but participating in it as a panelist. I’ll be on a total of six panels this year, and here’s a nifty rundown of each of them:


First up on Friday at 2:00 PM, I’ll be joining the wonderful Kaiju Kim and my fellow Kaiju Ramen compatriots Nate Marchand, Michael Hamilton, and Elijah Thomas to celebrate 30 years of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II!

On Friday at 3:00 PM, I’ll be joining Bob Eggleton and Kevin Horn to celebrate 90 years of 1933’s King Kong! We’ll be discussing the artistic genius, historical significance, and immortal legacy behind the greatest monster masterpiece of them all.

On Saturday at 11:00, I’ll be joining my fellow kaiju wordsmiths Nate Marchand, Timothy Price, and Robert Monsarrat for G-Fest’s annual Kaiju Writers panel! We’ll be answering questions and offering advice for aspiring writers, so come curious!

On Saturday at 1:00, mushrooms and madness will reign supreme in Ballroom C as Nate Marchand, Kevin Horn, Elijah Thomas, and I celebrate 60 years of 1963’s Matango. We’ll be talking J-horror, metaphors, and all things frighteningly fungal!

On Sunday at 1:00, I’ll be joining Nate Marchand again, this time for an in-depth (and not just because of the submarines) discussion about the theme of nationalism vs patriotism in 1963’s Atragon. If you enjoy history and political intrigue, you’ll dig this panel!

And last but certainly not least, on Sunday at 3:00, I’ll be joining forces with Elijah Thomas to discuss the weird and wonderful world of Korean kaiju cinema! From Yongary and Pulgasari to Tyrano’s Claw and Dinosaur Zzu Zzu, we’ll cover it all and give context to this fascinating corner of the genre.


That should just about do it! As always, it means the world to me that I’m able to participate in this convention to such a wonderful extent. Being invited to join panels is still a surreal thrill for me, and I’m excited to nerd out with all of you this weekend.

As always, if you spot me at the con, feel free to stop me and say hi! I’m always happy to chat about the GNP, my other work in the fandom, your awesome dealers room haul, or pretty much anything involving the Big G.

Thank you all for continuing to be such awesome readers, and I’ll see you in Chicago!

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